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Bengaluru’s BBMP prepares combat strategy to curb spread of Dengue cases in Silicon City

Bengaluru is tackling a Dengue fever surge with swift action by BBMP. A door-to-door survey initiative targets mosquito breeding sites amid concerns over waterlogging and awareness gaps. Teams visit 14 lakh households weekly, emphasizing cleanliness and symptom awareness. Health officials stress early detection and treatment. BBMP urges volunteers for community involvement in prevention efforts.

Bengaluru's BBMP prepares combat strategy to curb spread of Dengue cases in Silicon City vkp
First Published Jun 28, 2024, 1:05 PM IST

Bengaluru is now grappling with a surge in Dengue fever cases. The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has swiftly moved into action to curb the spread of this mosquito-borne disease across the city, particularly in Silicon City.

In response to the alarming rise in Dengue cases, BBMP officials have launched a comprehensive door-to-door survey initiative aimed at identifying and eliminating mosquito breeding sites. This initiative comes amidst concerns over waterlogging and inadequate awareness about Dengue prevention among residents.

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The corporation is leaving no stone unturned in its efforts to combat the Dengue outbreak. Teams comprising health inspectors, ASHA workers, ANMs, and link workers have been deployed across zones to visit approximately 14 lakh households weekly.

The survey focuses on identifying stagnant water sources where mosquitoes breed, while also raising awareness about Dengue symptoms and precautionary measures. Health officials emphasize the importance of maintaining cleanliness and ensuring that water does not accumulate in open containers or unused items like flower pots and tyres.

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"Dengue fever, characterized by symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, and body rashes, can escalate quickly into severe forms," explained health minister Dr Rajesh, highlighting the need for early detection and treatment at primary health centres.

To bolster their efforts, BBMP has enlisted the support of Nursing College students and NSS volunteers, who play a crucial role in conducting surveys and spreading awareness among vulnerable populations like children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

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"The key to controlling Dengue lies in community participation and proactive measures," urged the BBMP Commissioner, stressing the importance of collective action in preventing outbreaks.

Moving forward, BBMP officials plan to continue their weekly visits and monitor the effectiveness of their interventions closely. They encourage residents to cooperate fully with the survey teams and to promptly report any Dengue-like symptoms or potential mosquito breeding sites.

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