Smart light and LED screens greet walkers at Cubbon Park

 The 190 plus area of lung space in the heart of the city, the Cubbon Park has got 750 smart lights and 50 new digital display boards. The boards will inform walkers and public about the park, its activities, government programmes and more. The entire project is worth Rs 4 crore and is being taken up by BESCOM.

Team Newsable  | Published: May 29, 2019, 12:05 PM IST

Bengaluru: Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM) that is being cursed for its poor maintenance, sagging cables, deaths due to negligence, is once again in the news. This time, for providing 750  smart lights, WiFi, digital display boards worth Rs 4 crore in Cubbon Park.

According to Mahantesh Murgod, deputy director of Cubbon Park, the 190 acres of park is being developed for quite some time and now BESCOM has come forward with Rs 4 crore fund and installed 750 smart lights, WiFi, 30 CCTV cameras and 50 swanky digital display boards.

"The park had 300 plus old lights and its monthly power tariff was more,  its  maintenance was also a setback, now BESCOM has installed 750 smart lights. These lights come with sensors and during early morning hours and evening hours, the intensity will increase as a walker approaches the lamppost area and again, will go dim. This apart 30 CCTV cameras have been installed and new digital display boards have been installed." Murgod said.

He also said that the new display boards will have videos of nature, videos of Cubbon Park, its rich history, beauty and birds. "We will also put videos and information about government programmes and health tips for walkers," added Murgod.