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Kerala: Minister V Sivankutty seeks Centre's intervention for victim's family over Air India Express strike

Minister for General Education and Labour V. Sivankutty has requested the Union Civil Aviation Ministry to intervene and ensure monetary compensation for Amrita, a nursing student from Thiruvananthapuram. Amrita was unable to visit her critically ill husband, Nambi Rajesh in Oman due to the Air India Express strike on May 8.

Kerala: Minister V Sivankutty seeks Centre's intervention for victim's family over Air India Express strike anr
First Published May 18, 2024, 1:15 PM IST

Thiruvananthapuram: Minister for General Education and Labour V. Sivankutty has written to Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, seeking his intervention to ensure monetary compensation for Amrita and her family. Amrita was unable to meet her husband due to the Air India Express strike, causing significant distress and loss.

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In the letter, Sivankutty explained that Amrita, a nursing student from Karamana in Thiruvananthapuram, had booked a seat on an Air India Express flight to Oman on May 8. She intended to see and bring back her husband, Rajesh, who was in critical condition in an Oman hospital.

She reached the airport to commence her travel, but the flight was cancelled due to the flash strike of the crew of Air India.

“Rajesh has left behind two kids who are in KG classes. The callous and irresponsible actions of Air India Express have not only deprived Amrita of the chance to bid farewell to her husband but have also caused immeasurable anguish and suffering to her and her family,” Sivankutty said.

“In this time of profound grief, they deserve compassion, empathy and humanitarian consideration,” Sivankutty said.

Nambi Rajesh, hailing from Karamana, was admitted to the hospital on May 5 after collapsing at his workplace in Muscat. His wife, Amritha C, promptly booked a ticket for a next-day Air India Express flight to Muscat. However, upon her arrival at the airport the following morning, she was dismayed to find out that the airline had canceled its services due to a cabin crew protest.

Despite her earnest efforts to persuade the airline officials, Amritha's pleas and tears were ignored. Instead, she was sent home with a false promise of being provided with a ticket the next day. Despite inquiring about the possibility of securing a ticket for the following day, her efforts proved futile. In the end, she had no choice but to cancel her trip.

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