New research unearths shocking secret behind the beauty of the Great Wall of China
Biocrusts, a bacteria living on the Great Wall of China like a sheet of cover has come to the rescue amidst erosion and climatic challenges. The bacteria has protected the walls from natural degradation like a true soldier.
The Great Wall of China is nothing short of a serene beauty and it is also considered as one the seven wonders of the world. The majestic Wall Line is one of the biggest in the world as it is 8851.8 km long and runs through different climatic regions in China but mainly dry land. The harsh conditions also expose the Great Wall of China to natural erosion, rainfall scouring, and other climatic challenges.
Despite the majestic build, the Great Wall of China is preserved with only 5.8 percent of its total length. Due to this, the majority of the Great Wall of China is exposed to natural erosion. However, to everyone’s surprise, an algae, bacteria has come to the rescue of the second wonder of the world. Biocrust bacteria are protecting the Great Wall of China from natural erosion and other climatic challenges.
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Biocrusts is a living skin that forms over soil usually protecting the soil from erosion. However, in the case of the Great Wall of China, Biocrusts have taken shape on the thick walls like a sheet of cover. The bacteria have been protecting the wonder of the world from susceptible events and conditions. A research team made the breakthrough after analyzing the samples of the surface of the Great Wall of China.
The research also found that the biocrust-covered samples were up to three times stronger. However, the beauty of China’s crown jewel has been deteriorating for other reasons. Like any other tourist site, the Great Wall of China has become a victim of the crowd that visits it.
Many of the walls have been etched with marks, and graffiti that has errorded the otherwise beautiful walls. Some reports also suggest that some of the walls were etched out and sold in the market.