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Donald Trump biopic shows him 'raping' ex-wife Ivana, his team REACTS

Donald Trump's team has vowed to sue over a biopic about his early years that includes rape, erectile dysfunction and ruthless betrayal, but the makers said on Tuesday the film allowed viewers to feel "sympathy" with the ex-president.

Donald Trump biopic shows him 'raping' ex-wife Ivana, his team REACTS gcw
First Published May 22, 2024, 10:49 AM IST

'The Apprentice', a contentious biopic about Donald Trump, made its Cannes 2024 debut and caused a stir. Sebastian Stan played Donald Trump in the movie, which was based on the life of the billionaire and former US president. The movie focused on Trump's private life prior to his global celebrity. According to a number of accounts, the movie is explosive and includes a number of purportedly frightening events from his life.

According to a Variety story, among other things, the movie shows Donald Trump raping his late ex-wife Ivana and doing agreements with criminals to realise his goal of building Trump Towers. The film also features events that took place in his life in 1970s and 1980s. The film received a thunderous 8-minute standing ovation with many praising the performances.

Reports further suggest that the film offers a nuanced account of Trump, depicted as an ambitious but naive social climber in the first half, before his decency is eroded as he learns the dark arts of deal-making and power. 

"The most controversial scene is that of Trump raping his first wife, Ivana, after she belittles him for growing fat and bald. In real life, Ivana accused Trump of raping her during divorce proceedings but later rescinded the allegation. She died in 2022," media reports stated.

However, 'The Apprentice' has not gone down well with the Trump campaign, as predicted. They made a statement to the media, indicating that they are bringing a lawsuit against the film and will prevent its distribution in the US.

"We will file a lawsuit to address these phoney filmmakers' plainly fraudulent claims. This garbage is pure fiction, sensationalising lies that have long been debunked," Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung told The New York Post.

Sebastian Stan, star of The Apprentice, portrays the former president, while Jeremy Strong plays Roy Cohn, his mentor and attorney. The movie has not yet revealed its US and international release dates.

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