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5 myths about charging your smartphone

  • Charging your phone overnight will damage your battery
  • Switch off your phone while charging
  • Here’s what you have been thinking wrong about charging smartphones


5 myths about charging your smartphone

1.Using different chargers

5 myths about charging your smartphone

It can definitely be counted as a marketing gimmick. Phone companies put a disclaimer that it is recommended that you use the company chargers to recharge the phone. Most smartphones come with their own charger and some even advertise them as high speed chargers. The long and short of the matter is – you can charge your smartphone with any charger pin that fits, however, what is more important is that you do not charge your phones with cheap knock-offs or low grade equipment. A wiring fault can mess up the circuits in your phone making it unuseable.


2. Leaving your phone all night on charge

5 myths about charging your smartphone

You may have heard this umpteen times, but here’s the catch – do not leave your phone for charging all night, everyday. Some devices can also develop a heating up problem once this practice is continued. Also some phones may not have the system of automatic cut off when thecharge is completed. Yes, occasionally leaving your phone on charge all night is not a problem provided you are not using a third-party charger all that often and there is no point in stuffing your battery with charge the moment you see it is 20 per cent lesser than full charge.


3. Letting your phone completely drain out before charging

5 myths about charging your smartphone

Yes, it may seem contradictory to the previous statement, but there is a reason behind this. If you constantly wait for your battery to completely drain out before charging then it affects the battery charge cycle. When it slips into the danger zone of below 50 per cent, make sure you give your smartphone a boost of charge.


4.Switch off your smartphones while charging

5 myths about charging your smartphone

No, it is not absolutely must that you switch off your phone, but you know a breather can do your faithful companion some good and get it to recharge itself without having to bother about millions of other processes. Plus, if it is possible, switch off as it allows the phone to reboot and even the battery health does not suffer in this manner. Or you could consider putting it in sleep or airplane mode while doing so. Go enjoy some me time in the meanwhile. Constant usage of any machine can result in wear and tear.


5. Using the internet while the phone is charging

5 myths about charging your smartphone

They say that having the wi-fi or mobile internet on while your phone is charging causes a lot of battery charge to go waste. Truth is any graphic-intensive activity(gaming, YouTube videos etc) can cause your battery to drain faster. Reading documents, replying to mail etc does not affect it that much oh and third party battery charging applications and task managers to save battery life are really insignificant.



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