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Google celebrates flat white coffee with an animated doodle

If you woke up to a Google Doodle featuring a steaming cup of coffee today, you’re not dreaming! It seems the search giant is celebrating the delightful beverage, the Flat White. Google has unveiled a new doodle commemorating the day flat white was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011. 

Google celebrates flat white coffee with an animated doodle check why is it being celebrated gcw
First Published Mar 11, 2024, 9:32 AM IST | Last Updated Mar 11, 2024, 9:32 AM IST

The animated Google Doodle honors the flat white, a well-liked espresso-based beverage that is thought to have started in Australia or New Zealand. This doodle will be seen across a number of nations, including India, in terms of visibility.

March 11, marks the day flat white was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in the year 2011. Flat white which is a beloved coffee drink of steamed milk poured over a shot of espresso is speculated to have been first served in Australia and New Zealand. It's said that in the 1980s, the beverages made its debut on menus in Sydney and Auckland.

Google Doodle's description states, “No matter the origins, coffee lovers worldwide agree it’s a favourite morning or arvo (afternoon) pick-me-up!"

Traditionally served in a ceramic cup, a flat white consists of an espresso shot topped with steamed milk and a thin coating of micro-foam. Because flat whites are "flatter" than cappuccinos or lattes, they are popular among coffee enthusiasts who want their drinks to have less froth. Customers are frequently persuaded to order drinks at cafes all throughout Australia and New Zealand by baristas who display their artistic talents and produce visually stunning drinks.

Some coffee connoisseurs say the flat white is basically a latte with less milk. However, the main difference between the two drinks is the ratio of milk to espresso. Flat white is made with a double espresso shot and 2/3 steamed milk with microfoam.

The resulting doodle is a dynamic representation of the journey from bean to cup, showcasing the artistry and skill involved in crafting the perfect flat white.

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