Kerala Education Min directs schools to eliminate financial barriers for student participation in study tours
Kerala's Education Minister V. Sivankutty directed schools to ensure no child is excluded from study tours due to financial constraints.

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala's Education Minister V. Sivankutty has issued a directive ensuring that no child should be excluded from school study tours due to financial constraints. He has instructed the Director of General Education to submit a report within a week on the steps taken to implement these guidelines concerning study tours and individual celebrations in schools.
The Minister noted that study tours have become more like pleasure trips, with some schools charging excessive amounts. This is causing distress among students from economically backward backgrounds who are unable to afford the costs. To address this, the Minister emphasized that study tours must be organized in a manner that is affordable for all students. Furthermore, he clarified that the travel expenses for teachers and PTA members accompanying the study tours should be covered by the PTA committees or the staff management committees.
The Minister also highlighted concerns regarding individual celebrations, such as staff and student birthdays, which are often held in schools. Students are sometimes pressured to bring gifts for these events, leading to discrimination against those who cannot afford to do so. To alleviate this issue, the Minister called for strict action from school authorities to prevent such celebrations that create unnecessary financial burdens for families.