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Explained: How will Donald Trump's return to the White House shape the World including India

World leaders have started to wake up to the reality of Donald Trump coming back to power in the White House. His latest win in Iowa State has given massive momentum to the Republicans ahead of the US elections. But does the excitement transform in the same manner to the major countries across the world? 

Explained: How will Donald Trump's return to the White House shape the World including India avv
First Published Jan 16, 2024, 6:57 PM IST

The possibility of Donald Trump getting his second term at the White House is looking promising after the former US President’s win in Iowa. One of the stronger candidates, Vivek Ramaswamy even dropped out of the race and endorsed Donald Trump for the Presidency. With Joe Biden's ratings going downhill, the World can now expect the return of the 77-year-old.

Estonia's Prime Minister Kaja Kallas recently visited the US but the meeting wasn't limit only to White House officials. The European leader also met Donald Trump’s senior advisers showcasing eagerness to prepare for a power transition at the White House. Similarly, many world leaders have now woken up to the possibility of Donald Trump coming back to power.

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As soon as the news of Donald Trump’s victory in Iowa reached China, the stock market fell by large margins causing a rout on Tuesday. China's business fraternity is not positive about Donald Trump’s comeback as the experiences of his Presidency are still fresh in their minds. The 77-year-old leader enforced tariffs on various dumping Chinese products that resulted in big losses to the Chinese economy.

However, the UK might benefit from Trump's return in the context of trade. Joe Biden has shown little interest in the US-UK free trade agreement while Trump being a staunch businessman can look over the prospects of such a deal and even sanction it. In terms of security, Europe as a collective force is likely having nightmares even thinking about the prospects of return.

Donald Trump ferociously attacked US’ European allies for overly depending on the US. NATO Group was almost dead if not for the Russia-Ukraine war a year after Donald Trump’s exit from the White House. The European leaders have had a tough time dealing with Donald Trump on a range of issues including Climate Change, Trade, and Security.

The same could unfold if Donald Trump returns to power. The Israel-Hamas war could escalate at unprecedented levels as Donald Trump could provide a free hand to Israel in the region. Donald Trump is a prominent ally of Israel and highly endorsed the Jewish nation in his previous presidency. He also has good friends in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The Middle East could see the rebirth of cooperation between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

Relations with rival Russia could move towards normalization as Donald Trump reportedly has a good rapport with Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump’s biggest achievement of his 2016-2020 Presidency was keeping the world away from many major wars. The same is likely to happen when Donald Trump will likely put a stop to the Russia-Ukraine war by taking Putin into confidence.

India enjoyed good relations with the US between 2016 and 2020 due to Narendra Modi's bond with Trump. Little did India achieve on the trade front as the Republican leader was not happy with the trade tariffs between the two countries. However, India's defense could get a boost as Donald Trump is more willing to sanction big defense purchases as seen a few years ago. India's neighbor Pakistan could face the brunt of Trump once again come November. Donald Trump’s highly protectionist trade policies will hurt world growth and globalized economies.

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