Here are three herbs to make your summers more energized
Summer is a great time to explore the flavors of different herbs and spices that can add depth and variety to your summer recipes.
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Summer heat makes the body drink more fluids to compensate for the water lost through sweating. Therefore, it is absolutely mandatory to drinking 2 to 3 litres of water every day.
While considering other options to hydrate yourself, people mostly prefer store-bought drinks full of sugar and artificial dyes. Now, you can consider herbs as an option for cooling down on a hot day. These are the three herbs that will make your summer season more energized.
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1. Basil:
This herb is a classic summer staple, with its bright, fresh taste and aroma. Use it in salads, pesto, and as a garnish to add a burst of flavor to any dish.
Basil (tulsi) water is known for its detoxifying properties and is the go-to morning drink. It turns out that soaking makes nuts and herbs that much more nutrient-rich. But it can also turn a glass of water into a healthy drink.
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2. Mint:
Mint is well-known for its cooling sensation. It is used in lip balms, cough syrups, and alcoholic drinks. A few varieties of mint include spearmint, peppermint, and pennyroyal. Drink it as a tea for instant relief.
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3. Paprika:
Paprika contains capsaicin, a compound found in peppers that are shown to have a wide range of health benefits. For example, it has antioxidant properties, can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, improve immunity, and even alleviate gas.
Paprika adds a subtle sweetness and smokiness to dishes without being overpowering. Use it on grilled meats, roasted vegetables, or as a seasoning for dips and spreads.