Dry lips after applying matte lipstick? Here's how to fix it
Dry or chaffy lips don't look good when matte lipsticks are applied on. Here are some quick fixes.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, one of the most essential cloth pieces that we use is the masks. Eventually, masks cover our mouth area, so the lips are not visible; therefore, it's important to keep it hydrated.
Creme textured lipsticks, or glossy lip balms are preferred not to be used as it might smudge inside the mask. So, mattes come in handy. Here are the three ways how you can prep your chaffed lips to wear matte lip shades.
It has three simple steps, which starts with scrubbing. Make a paste of coffee, olive oil and sugar and scrub your mouth area to avoid flaking. As the matte lipstick takes the shape of your lips, highlighting the rough edges.
After the scrub, moisturising is must to keep your lips fresh and hydrated. Make a paste of olive oil and glycerine. Then wipe it off with a napkin; this will give your lips a plump.
Apply your lipstick
Now, it's time for applying your lipstick. After you are done with scrubbing and moisturising, apply your lipstick generously as it dries off quickly.
A quick tip,
Do not use lip balm before applying matte lip shade as it already contains wax; lip balms might harm your plumpy lips.