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100 days of India as G20 president: Timeline of India's diplomatic efforts

Girish Linganna summarises the various working group meetings that have taken place so far, highlighting the key themes and outcomes of each meeting. 

100 days of India at the helm of G20: Timeline of India's diplomatic efforts
First Published Mar 13, 2023, 1:17 PM IST | Last Updated Mar 13, 2023, 1:18 PM IST

Under India's presidency of the G20 forum, a series of working group meetings have been held in the lead-up to the annual summit. These meetings have provided a platform for policymakers, experts, and stakeholders worldwide to discuss critical global issues and shape the agenda for the G20 summit. 

Let us summarise the various working group meetings that have taken place so far, highlighting the key themes and outcomes of each meeting. The timeline layout helps to provide a clear overview of the sequence of events and the critical milestones leading up to the G20 summit.

December 1, 2022: India Assumes G20 Presidency

India officially assumed the G20 Presidency, becoming the premier forum for international economic cooperation. Prime Minister Modi outlined India's vision for the G20 Presidency, including a focus on citizen engagement and public participation through Jan Bhagidari activities. To mark the occasion, numerous events were planned, including a University Connect event, special G20 sessions in schools, and a selfie campaign around illuminated monuments. 

India is to host over 200 meetings in over 50 cities across 32 workstreams, drawing inspiration from the G20 Presidency theme of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' or 'One Earth One Family One Future'. The G20 website has migrated to the domain, and India has taken over the official social media handles. Visitors can explore India's culture and heritage through the G20 Secretariat's Incredible India section.

December 4-7, 2022: First Sherpa Meeting

The first Sherpa meeting of India's G20 Presidency concluded after three days of substantive discussions and a day's excursion to the Kumbhalgarh fort and Ranakpur temple. The meeting saw participation from G20 Members, 9 Guest countries, and 14 International Organizations. 

The delegates were impressed by the magnificent Kumbhalgarh fort, a UNESCO world heritage site, and the intricate designs of the 15th-century Ranakpur temple. The meeting discussed prevailing global challenges and set the tone for forthcoming meetings in 32 different G20 workstreams. 

December 13, 2022: First Development Working Group Meeting

The first meeting of the Development Working Group (DWG) under the G20 Sherpa Track took place in Mumbai on December 13, 2022. The key priorities of the working group are harnessing data for development, mainstreaming Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) globally, and accelerating progress on SDGs through the levers of women-led development, digital transformation, and just green transitions. 

Discussions were held on existing bottlenecks for accessing sustainable finance, the need to strengthen efforts to achieve gender equality, and the role of the private sector and civil society in data for development. The meeting concluded with an exhibition of local Maharashtrian handicrafts and start-ups, a pottery-making stall, and an excursion to the Kanheri Caves in Sanjay Gandhi National Park.

December 13-14, 2022: First Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting

India hosted the first G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting in Bengaluru, Karnataka, from December 13-14, 2022. The meeting was attended by over 160 foreign delegates including G20 member countries, invitee countries, and international organizations. The meeting aimed to seek the views of G20 members on India's G20 Finance Track priorities for 2023 across various workstreams. The agenda of the meeting was crafted keeping in view the vision given by PM Modi and Indian Presidency’s G20 theme. 

The discussions focused on issues relating to the global economy and risks, strengthening Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), managing global debt vulnerabilities, financing climate action and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and building resilient, inclusive, and sustainable cities of tomorrow. 

The meeting saw broad support for the proposed priorities of India’s G20 Finance Track agenda for 2023. Further development of agenda items during the course of the Indian G20 Presidency will be enriched with the views presented by the Finance and Central Bank Deputies representing a wide range of perspectives.

December 20, 2022: First Joint Finance and Health Task Force Meeting

On December 20, 2022, the 1st Joint Finance and Health Task Force Meeting under the Indian G20 Presidency was held virtually. Representatives from G20, invited countries, and international organizations attended the meeting, which Italy and Indonesia co-chaired. 

The meeting discussed mandates specified by the Bali Leaders' Declaration, and the Task Force Secretariat worked with the Indian Presidency and Co-Chairs to draft a work plan for 2023 and beyond. The work plan was presented for adoption during the meeting, and the members expressed commitment to the Task Force's mandate of strengthening global health architecture for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. 

January 10-11, 2023: First Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Meeting

The first G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) meeting under the G20 India Presidency was held in Kolkata from January 9-11, 2023. GPFI member countries, guest countries, and international organizations participated in the two-day meeting to discuss the Finance Inclusion agenda. 

Financial inclusion is crucial to achieving the goals of poverty alleviation and economic empowerment of vulnerable segments and positively impacts sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The meeting included a Symposium on “Unlocking the potentials of Digital Public Infrastructure for advancing financial inclusion and productivity gains,” as well as an exhibition on “Digital innovations for Financial Inclusion” showcasing India’s achievements and efforts in advancing digital financial inclusion. 

The GPFI Plenary sessions were held from January 10-11, 2023, with discussions on the role of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) in advancing financial inclusion, reducing the cost of remittances, assessing progress made in the implementation of G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion, and advancing financing for MSMEs. India’s G20 Presidency is committed to leading an inclusive agenda to address today's global economic needs and prepare for a better tomorrow.

January 16-17, 2023: First Infrastructure Working Group Meeting

The first G20 Infrastructure Working Group meeting was held in Pune, with 64 delegates from 18 member countries attending. The meeting focused on the 2023 Infrastructure Agenda, including the theme of 'Financing Cities of Tomorrow: Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable'. 

Discussions covered a range of topics, such as making cities economic centres of growth, financing urban infrastructure, building future-ready urban infrastructure, and directing fiscal investments for unlocking private financing for energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable infrastructure. 

The meeting also included a High-Level Workshop on 'Financing of Cities of Tomorrow', and delegates had the opportunity to experience Pune's culture and history. The second meeting of the Infrastructure Working Group is scheduled to be held in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, in March 2023.

February 1-2, 2023: First Education Working Group Meeting 

The first G20 Education Working Group Meeting concluded in Chennai, with collaboration with universities across the globe for enhancing technology-enabled learning being a major outcome. Eighty delegates from 30 countries and international organisations participated in the two-day conclave, where best practices in tech-related education were discussed extensively. 

The working group aims to promote lifelong learning, find sustainable solutions to educational challenges, and provide inclusive, equitable, relevant, and quality education for all. Three supplementary meetings will be held before a wide consensus is reached in the last meeting scheduled for June this year. 

The National Education Policy aims to skill 50% of school-going children in the near future, and the outcome of the meeting will be documented and taken forward to the next meeting in Amritsar. There will also be 56+ G20 meetings held in various parts of India in the run-up to the G20 Summit in September, which will create opportunities in development in education and employment.

February 2-3, 2023: First Sustainable Finance Working Group Meeting

The first Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG) meeting of the G20 also successfully concluded. The SFWG aims to mobilise sustainable finance to ensure global growth and stability, promoting the transition to greener, more resilient, and inclusive societies and economies. 

Attendees discussed three priority areas: mechanisation of timely and adequate resources for climate finance, enabling finance for the Sustainable Development Goals, and capacity-building for financing sustainable development. The SFWG will develop a G20 Sustainable Finance Technical Assistance Action Plan, which will identify and analyse existing capacity-building activities and recommend ways to scale them up. 

February 2-4, 2023: First Employment Working Group Meeting

The first G20 Employment Working Group meeting, led by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, concluded on a positive note with all G20 countries showing interest and commitment in constructively working towards the objective of addressing global skills gaps, gig and platform economy & social protection, and sustainable financing of social security set by the Indian Presidency. 

The three-day meeting discussed various issues related to labour, employment and social issues for strong, sustainable, balanced, and job-rich growth for all. Sessions included panel discussions, presentations and interventions from countries and international organisations (IOs) on priorities such as global skills gaps, gig and platform economy, and social protection. 

Delegates from participating countries shared their experiences on existing conditions and legal frameworks for skill development and social security in their respective countries.

February 7-10, 2023: First Tourism Working Group Meeting

The 1st Tourism Working Group meeting under India's G20 presidency was held at the Rann of Kutch, Gujarat from 7th-10th February and concluded successfully. The meeting included an inaugural session, two days of working group meetings on the five identified priorities, two side events, a series of bilateral meetings, and excursion visits. 

Discussions were held on the five priority themes identified by the Indian Presidency, and all G20 Members, guest countries, and International organisations endorsed all the key priority areas. The five priority themes included Green Tourism: 'Greening of the tourism sector for a sustainable, responsible and resilient tourism sector'; Digitalization: 'Harnessing the power of digitalization to promote competitiveness, inclusion and sustainability in tourism sector'; Skills: 'Empowering youth with skills for jobs and entrepreneurship in tourism sector'; Tourism MSMEs: 'Nurturing tourism MSMEs / Startups/ private sector to unleash innovation and dynamism in tourism sector' and Destination Management: 'Rethinking the strategic management of destinations towards a holistic approach that delivers on the SDGs'. 

Three more meetings are scheduled, including a Ministerial, and three mega events are also planned to promote tourism during India's G20 Presidency.

February 9-11, 2023: First Energy Transitions Working Group Meeting

The G20 Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG) has successfully concluded its two-day deliberations in Bengaluru, with consensus on priority areas. The member countries agreed on the need for energy security and diversified supply chains, and that each country's energy transition pathway should be different depending on its energy base and potential. Fossil fuels are expected to continue being used for the next 15-20 years to increase the share of renewable energy. 

The next ETWG meeting is scheduled for early April in Gandhinagar. On the sidelines, India signed an MoU with Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle Joint Business Council to promote energy efficiency and sustainable practices in the region.

February 9-11, 2023: First Environment and Climate Sustainability Group Meeting

The first meeting of the G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) was held in Bengaluru, India. All G20 countries showed interest and commitment to work together towards the objective of three priority areas: arresting land degradation, accelerating ecosystem restoration and enriching biodiversity; promoting a sustainable and climate resilient blue economy; and encouraging resource efficiency and circular economy. 

The meeting involved discussions on methods to restore land-based ecosystems affected by anthropogenic causes, enhancement of the Global Biodiversity Framework, creation of circular economies in various sectors, marine litter, conservation, and enhancement of coastal and marine ecosystems. The second ECSWG meeting is scheduled to be held in Gandhinagar, India, in March 2023.

February 13-15, 2023: First Digital Economy Working Group Meeting 

The First G20 Digital Economy Working Group meeting took place in Lucknow, India, focusing on digital public infrastructure, cybersecurity, and digital skilling. The event featured workshops, presentations, and excursions to showcase India's digital transformation journey and provide a platform for G20 members, guest countries, and key knowledge partners to discuss priority areas. 

The meeting concluded with plans for further discussions on digital public infrastructure, cybersecurity, and digital skilling, and the next three meetings are scheduled to take place in Hyderabad, Pune, and Bangalore. 

February 13-15, 2023: First Agriculture Deputies Meeting

The Agriculture Working Group under India's G20 Presidency held its first Agriculture Deputies Meeting in Indore, spanning three days and covering four themes: food security and nutrition, sustainable agriculture with a climate-smart approach, inclusive agricultural value chains and food systems, and digitalization for agricultural transformation. 

Representatives from various countries discussed these topics and exchanged ideas during technical sessions, which were followed by open house discussions. The event concluded with a video showcasing highlights from the past three days, and the session chair emphasised the need for greater collaboration among G20 member countries on agricultural research and development aspects.

February 22-25, 2023: First Culture Working Group Meeting

The first G20 Culture Working Group (CWG) meeting took place in Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, from February 22-25, 2023. The meeting was attended by delegates from G20 member states and international organisations. The delegates were welcomed with traditional folk performances and were given opportunities to experience traditional arts and culture, as well as participate in DIY activities. 

During the meeting, four working group sessions were held, and cultural programs and visits to UNESCO World Heritage Sites and Panna Tiger Reserve were organised. 

February 22-25, 2023: First Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors and Second Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meetings

The first G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) and second Finance and Central Bank Deputies (FCBD) Meetings were held in Bengaluru from 22nd-25th February 2023. The Chair Summary & Outcome Document of the G20 FMCBG covers various subjects such as the global debt crisis, MDB reforms, climate finance, global approach to cryptos, digital public infrastructure, financial inclusion, financing cities of tomorrow, and taxation. 

The document is considered a significant achievement by G20 under India's Presidency. Prime Minister Modi addressed the first Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting under India's G20 Presidency. He emphasised the need for the custodians of the world's leading economies and monetary systems to bring back stability, confidence and growth to the global economy and urged them to focus their discussions on the world's most vulnerable citizens. 

PM Modi highlighted the vibrancy of the Indian economy and the country's highly secure, trusted, and efficient public digital infrastructure in its digital payments ecosystem. He encouraged G20 participants to explore and harness the power of technology while developing standards to regulate its possible risks and noted that India's digital payments platform, UPI, can be a template for other countries.

March 1-2, 2023: Foreign Ministers' Meeting

The G20 Foreign Ministers met in New Delhi to discuss the global challenges that the world is facing, including climate change, economic slowdown, inequality, food and energy insecurity, geopolitical tensions, and conflicts. 

The Ministers discussed strengthening multilateralism, food and energy security, ambitious climate and environmental action, deepening cooperation on sustainable development, counter-terrorism, global health, global talent pool, humanitarian assistance and disaster risk reduction, gender equality, and women's empowerment. 

They also discussed the war in Ukraine, recognizing that security issues can have significant consequences for the global economy. The Ministers emphasized the importance of promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems, reducing food loss and waste, improving soil health, and minimizing the gender inequality in food systems. The Ministers also emphasized the importance of tackling climate change by implementing the Paris Agreement and strengthening the full and effective implementation of the Glasgow Climate Pact.

March 1-3, 2023: First Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting

The first meeting of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) took place in Gurugram, Haryana, from March 1st to 3rd, with over 90 delegates from 20 member countries, ten invitee countries, and nine international organisations in attendance. 

Key focal areas discussed included Asset Recovery, Fugitive Economic Offenders, information-sharing channels, institutional frameworks for combating corruption, and mutual legal assistance. High-Level Principles were also drafted and discussed, and a Side Event was held on Leveraging ICT to curb corruption in the public sector. 

The delegates were given a flavour of India's rich culture, heritage, and cuisine during their stay, and India looks forward to hosting the second and third ACWG meetings in Rishikesh and Kolkata, respectively. Italy reaffirmed its support for India's agenda at the G20 ACWG and emphasised the need for a multi-stakeholder approach to fight against corruption effectively.

March 6-7, 2023: Second Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Meeting

The second meeting of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) under the G20 India Presidency was held in Hyderabad from March 6-7, 2023. Ministry of Finance and Central Bank representatives from G20 and non-G20 countries and International Organizations, including GPFI Implementing Partners and Affiliated Partners, participated in the meeting. 

The meeting saw the announcement of India and Italy as the new long-term Co-Chairs of the GPFI for a duration of three years commencing in 2024. The GPFI members discussed and agreed on important deliverables for the year, including those on Digital Financial Inclusion and SME Finance. 

A Symposium on Digital Innovations in Payments and Remittances was organised on March 6, 2023. A Knowledge and Experience Exchange Programme preceded the GPFI Meeting for the Emerging Economies of the Global South held from March 4-6, 2023, with participation from the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank representatives from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Malawi, Maldives, Nepal, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and Regional Organizations. 

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