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Karnataka: Hanuman flag campaign gains momentum in Keragodu village

A controversy arises in Keragodu village, Mandya district, Karnataka, as residents ignite a fervent campaign, embroiled in the hoisting of the Hanuman flag. In opposition to governmental regulations prohibiting the display of the Hanuman flag at the village's central flagpole, villagers have taken matters into their own hands, opting to proudly hoist the hanuman flag in their own homes. 

Karnataka: Hanuman flag campaign gains momentum in Keragodu village
First Published Jan 31, 2024, 6:32 PM IST

The origin of this contentious issue stems from the Karnataka state government's order prohibiting the hoisting of anything other than the national flag at public flagpoles. Despite this mandate, the villagers of Keragodu have decided to assert their religious and cultural beliefs by prominently displaying the saffron Hanuman flag across their residences. 
Also Read: Hanuman flag controversy: BJP protests across Karnataka over alleged anti-hindu actions

The villagers did not take the decision to initiate the Hanuman flag campaign lightly, as they consider it a symbolic gesture of their unwavering faith and devotion. 

However, the hanuman flag row has not been without its challenges. Earlier, the villagers faced opposition from local authorities, with allegations of police brutality emerging amidst attempts to stop the flag-raising initiative. Looking ahead, sources indicate that the BJP plans to mobilise support for the initiative, with a call to action scheduled for February 2nd, urging villagers across the region to join in hoisting the saffron Hanuman flag at their respective residences.

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