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Karnataka: Female bus conductor slaps passenger with slipper over alleged altercation of abusive words

In Kolhara, a female bus conductor slapped a verbally abusive passenger, captured in a viral video. The dispute over change escalated, leading to the conductor's retaliation. The bus driver intervened, prompting the passenger to backtrack, but the conductor continued expressing frustration, resorting to a slipper attack.

Karnataka: Female bus conductor slaps passenger with slipper over alleged altercation of abusive words vkp
First Published Feb 1, 2024, 11:03 AM IST

In a shocking incident that unfolded on Tuesday at the Kolhara town bus stand, a female bus conductor resorted to unconventional means to teach a lesson to a passenger who verbally abused her. The altercation ensued over a dispute concerning a change in the bus operated by the transport company heading to Kolhara town, leading to a heated exchange of words between the conductor and the irate passenger.

The entire incident, captured on video, has since gone viral, showcasing the moment when the female conductor delivered a resounding slap to the passenger in response to his verbal abuse. The dispute originated from a disagreement over providing change for retail currency on the bus. As tensions escalated, the passenger unleashed a barrage of verbal abuse on the conductor, prompting her to take matters into her own hands.

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The situation took an unexpected turn when the bus driver intervened, stopping the passenger as he attempted to disembark and urging him to accompany them to the police station to report the verbal abuse. Realizing the gravity of the situation, the passenger quickly backtracked, admitting his mistake, and opted to leave the scene.

However, fueled by lingering anger, the female conductor, refusing to let the incident slide, continued to express her frustration through a barrage of unspoken words and even resorted to physical retaliation by attacking the passenger with a slipper.

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