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India-China financial dialogue postponed

India-China financial dialogue postponed

India-China financial dialogue at the level of Secretaries which was due to be held next week has been postponed to July.


The Postponement has been necessitated because of the inability of India's Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das to travel to Beijing for the meeting which was scheduled for June 27. Das was asked to stay back in Delhi in view of the voting on Brexit, which is taking place today to decide whether Britain should stay in the European Union or not which will have implications for India.


However, India's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, who is embarking on a five-day visit to China today, will meet his counterpart Lou Jiwei as scheduled on June 27.


Fresh dates for the financial dialogue at the level of Secretaries in July are being worked out.


The two countries have so far had seven rounds of financial dialogue at the level of Finance Secretaries, the last being in New Delhi in 2014.

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