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'Operation Nath' to topple Karnataka Congress Govt? Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde makes big claim

Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde hinted at replicating the 'Maharashtra model' to topple the Congress government in Karnataka, referencing 'Operation Nath' at a campaign event. This has sparked speculation about the fate of the Karnataka government, with implications reminiscent of 'Operation Kamala.' Karnataka BJP leaders have yet to respond, fueling ongoing political debate and analysis.

'Operation Nath' to topple Karnataka Congress Govt? Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde makes big claim vkp
First Published May 13, 2024, 1:52 PM IST

Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has stirred speculation with his recent remarks hinting at a concerted effort to replicate the 'Maharashtra model' to topple the Congress government in Karnataka. Speaking at a campaign event in Satara, Shinde made pointed comments suggesting behind-the-scenes manoeuvring to orchestrate the downfall of the Siddaramaiah-led administration.

"I recently attended a meeting in Karnataka where the concept of 'Operation Nath' was discussed," Shinde revealed. "Curious about its implications, I inquired further. It was explained to me that the experience gained from dismantling the Mahaghatabandhan government in Maharashtra is invaluable for similar endeavours in Karnataka."

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The reference to 'Operation Nath' and its potential application in Karnataka politics has triggered a wave of speculation, particularly regarding the fate of the Congress government in the state. Shinde's remarks imply a strategic approach akin to the political manoeuvres witnessed in Maharashtra, where coalition dynamics played a pivotal role in government formation and dissolution.

Shinde's disclosure that Karnataka BJP leaders showed keen interest in comprehending the intricacies of 'Operation Nath' has intensified conjecture regarding the motives and tactics of opposition factions within the state. While the Chief Minister refrained from directly addressing queries regarding the possible timing of a government collapse in Karnataka, his statements have heightened the fervour of ongoing political debates.

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The notion of 'Operation Nath' echoes previous conjectures surrounding strategies like 'Operation Kamala' in Karnataka, signalling a broader pattern of political manoeuvring aimed at reshaping the state's power dynamics.

Following Shinde's remarks, Karnataka BJP leaders have refrained from issuing a formal response, leaving ample space for further speculation and analysis concerning the potential repercussions of such tactics on the state's governance structure.

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