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Who all does Trump’s controversial executive ban affect?

  • For  90 days visitors from 7 mainly Muslim countries will not be issued visas to USA
  • The order does not affect those who hold a US green card
Who all does Trumps 90 day ban affect
First Published Jan 30, 2017, 1:19 PM IST | Last Updated Mar 31, 2022, 5:10 PM IST


On January 28, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order prohibiting the entry of people from seven majority-Muslim nations for 90 days. Citizens of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Libya have been temporarily banned from entering the US for the period, while the government determines what information it needs to safely admit visitors.


The order titled “"Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States" was signed and chaos ruled the streets; panic stricken Muslims and nationals from the banned countries were seen making a beeline for the airports. Companies across the world were withdrawing their employees from the US. 


America is known to respect human rights, but this move is akin to labelling all Muslims as terrorists. This decision should not be a blanket ban. It comes as a huge blow to those exploring educational, business, medical treatment propositions in the USA from these countries.


Those who will be affected



#Refugee admissions have been suspended for 120 days and will be taken up on case by case basis


#It suspends the entry of Syrian refugees from coming to America indefinitely.


#Bans entry from and visas to seven majority-Muslim countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen – for 90 days.


#Dual-nationals who are from those seven countries but have an additional passport will also be barred from entering the country for the next 90 days, according to the state department. This means that citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen who have a passport from another country, such as Britain or France, are also subject to the ban.


Those excluded from this ban



#Nationals from other Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt


#The decree does not affect those who hold a US green card


#Preferences will be given to Christian over Muslim refugees entering the USA. This provision would allow the White House to prioritise Christians from the Middle East over Muslims.


#Those who hold diplomatic visas or visas to international institutions such as NATO or the United Nations from these seven countries named in the list are exempt.


# American citizens who also have a passport from one of the seven barred countries are not affected by the order. An exemption is also granted to dual nationals holding British and Canadian passports.


This is what Trump has to say in his defence : "To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting. "This is not about religion - this is about terror and keeping our country safe. There are over 40 different countries worldwide that are majority Muslim that are not affected by this order.”



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