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Muslim ban to building wall: 5 Times Trump was mocked for his ideologies

  • Donald Trump bans citizens from seven Muslim majority nations.
  • He wants Mexico to pay for the wall he plans to build to safeguard the borders they share. 
5 Times Donald Trump was mocked

It's been barely a week that Donald Trump set foot into White House, and one of his first orders has unleashed global wrath. He has banned citizens from seven Muslim majority nations including Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Libya from entering the US for the next 90 days, and Syrian refugees indefinitelyWhile it has provoked anger and criticism, several have taken to mock him for his utterly dictator-like decisions. And, this isn't the first time. Let's take a look at five times Donald Trump was mocked for his rant/decisions.


Ban Majority Muslim nations

This is the latest, but not the first decision that has made many raise their voices against Donald Trump. He managed to turn the recent Screen Actors Guild awards in Los Angeles into a platform where the red carpet adorning celebrities took the political route.

5 Times Donald Trump was mocked Image Credit: Al Seib / Los Angeles Times

Simon Helberg from Big Bang Theory carried a protest sign at the awards saying 'refugees welcome' while his wife Jocelyn Towne had 'let them in' written on her chest. While most speeches were addressing the concerns over the recent Trump decisions, it was Ashton Kutcher who directly addressed ‘people waiting at airports’.



Trump's anti-Muslim rant has been going on for some time now. And this is how Royal Jordanian decided to mock him with its brilliant marketing idea.


The Great Trump-Mexican Wall

Another 'idea' from Trump is building a wall to stop Mexican immigrants from entering America, and also asking them to chip in the money. As much as public ire he attracted, it also made him a butt of jokes on Twitter. From John Snow to guard the wall to Humpty Dumpty jokes, Twitterati has a field day. Take a look at some of them below:






Trump thanks Donald

Out of the many weird things that Trump has said so far, one that sets aside his when he congratulated himself. Well, see if yourself.



This is yet another tweet that gave Twitterati a field day.





Pussy Control

Comedians Kyle June Williams  of Squirrel Comedy and Brooke Van Poppelen (truTV’s Hack My Life) have planned a show they call 'Pussy Control'. Well, no brownie point for guessing it goes against Trump's anti-abortion rant. In fact, the comedians are looking to do a show every month wherein all proceeds will go to benefit an organisation that works against its ideologies.


Lies and conspiracy theories

Seth Meyers decided to spend his ‘Closer Look’ segment talking about Trump's belief. It said how Trump can't stay away from TV screen as he is obsessed with cable news. Further, he mocked how Trump’s staffers leaked about him being lazy to the press. Watch the video below.


Video courtesy: Late Night with Seth Meyers

Main Image Credit: Associated Press

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