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Watch: Pakistani comedian hilariously imitates Shashi Tharoor's English; Congress leader impressed

A Pakistani comedian video showing how to speak English like Shashi Tharoor has gone viral. Tharoor has responded to the hilarious video.

Akbar Chaudry, a Pakistani comedian, shared a hilarious video on learning Shashi Tharoor's kind of English.

In the video, Akbar puts an Oxford dictionary in a blender and drinks a smoothie out of it, and as a second step, he takes on the drip from a bottle labelled Oxford dictionary.

As a third stage, he makes powder of the dictionary and snorts it like drugs.

What's hilarious is that after taking all three steps, Akbar plays audio of Tharoor's speech and lip-syncs to the audio as if he is the one speaking.

The video went viral, and impressed Tharoor who shared the video and asked Akbar to make his next video on Pak PM Imran Khan.

The video has garnered more than 358.3k views, and the internet went crazy over the video and loaded with funny comments.