New moms will notice this health benefit from eating banana flower
- Mothers who have difficulties with milk supply after pregnancy can consume this flower to boost the supply.
- The flower contains vitamins like A C and E and also vital minerals for the body to stay healthy.
- It also helps in reducing other health issues like anaemia and diabetes.

The banana tree carries with it many benefits, one of the lesser known ones being the banana flower. The banana flower which is found just before the banana is ripe, carries with it many benefits. This flower is rich in protein, potassium and phosphorous which is very vital for the body to stay healthy. It also helps for mothers to lactate much more during the initial months after their pregnancy. If you are facing problems with milk supply for your baby, consuming this can boost the supply and help you feed your young much better. While the fruit is widely used in Kerala for various delicacies, the flower can also be added to your curries and other food items. It also helps women going through menstruation as it reduces the flow which can help in reducing the pain as well. What it also does is reduce your anxiety and mood swings if taken in a balanced amount. The flower is also rich in minerals and vitamins like A, C and E which is why it should be an added ingredient in your daily diet. For those with ageing skin can also sort to using this flower as it reduces premature aging and improves your skin. A simple addition of the banana flower could work wonders for you as it tackles various problems at once. With monsoons around, you are prone to infections much more but this can also be stopped by consuming a small amount of a banana flower and if you are on medication for health issues like anaemia and diabetes, worry no more because banana flower is known to cure and reduce these issues drastically. You could add this ingredient in your main course dishes or also cook it along with some yogurt or curd. It can also be combined with banana itself so get the best benefits of both the flower and the fruit.