8 benefits of eating almonds during pregnancy
- Almonds are rich in Protein, Vitamin E and Riboflavin that help in the overall development of the mother and the baby.
- They also help in the development of muscles, bones and the central nervous system in the growing foetus.
- It is, however, advisable to consult a doctor this first before including this in a pregnant woman's diet.
Pregnant women need a lot of dietery care to supplement the extra need of their bodies. Naturally, if the body works round the clock to suffice the nutrient needs of both the mother and the baby, much care has to be taken to ensure that they are given food that helps in the growth of the baby, without tampering with the body weight of the mother. Almonds form one such food item that is rich in vitamins and minerals and also helps in maintaining the body weight of the mother.
Here are eight benefits of having almonds during pregnancy:
Rich in protein: The high protein content in almonds help in the healthy development of muscle mass in a growing baby. This also induces strength in the mother to cope with the delivery pain. It also regulates a healthy birth weight of the baby.
Rich in Vitamin E: It helps in the healthy formation of hair and skin of the baby. Pregnant woman are said to acquire a resplendent glowing skin on the intake of almonds.
Rich in Manganese: Almonds not only help in regulating the weight of the baby, but also that of the mother. The manganese content also helps in the formation of strong and healthy bones.
Calcium: Since almonds are rich in Calcium, it helps in reducing the risk of hypertension and pre-eclamsia during pregnancy. Calcium is also essential for building the bone and teeth of the baby.
Fiber: Fiber content in a pregnant woman's diet should be high since that regulates the bowel movement and helps in easy digestion of food. This reduces the risk of constipation. Almonds are a rich source of fiber.
Riboflavin: The riboflavin content in almonds helps in the cognitive development of the baby. Good amount of riboflavin also helps in maintaining the energy levels.
Magnesium: The magnesium content in Almonds helps in the proper formation and functioning of the central nervous system. It also helps in regularising the bowel movement.
Folate: Folate content in almonds is critical for the healthy formation of brain and nervous system of the baby. Folate also helps in protecting the growing baby from neural tube defects in the prenatal stages of growth.
Although Almonds have great benefits during pregnancy, it is still advisable to consult your doctor before consuming them since it may also have allergic reactions in some cases.