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Will not attempt to topple Karnataka Congress govt: BJP chief BY Vijayendra

BJP Karnataka State President B.Y. Vijayendra assured that the BJP will not attempt to destabilize the Congress-led government in Karnataka, countering speculation stirred by Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde's remarks about potential political upheaval similar to Maharashtra's tactics. Despite internal conflicts within Congress, Vijayendra emphasized BJP's non-involvement in any government-toppling efforts.

Will not attempt to topple Karnataka Congress govt: BJP chief BY Vijayendra vkp
First Published May 14, 2024, 9:16 AM IST

In a firm statement made on Monday, BJP Karnataka State President B.Y. Vijayendra announced that his party will not attempt to destabilise the Congress-led government in the state. This declaration came in response to remarks made by Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde suggesting political turbulence.

"We are not going to topple the government. As the state president of BJP, I assure you that no such attempt will be made," Vijayendra stated during a press interaction. His comments put to rest ongoing speculations about BJP's strategy regarding the current state government.

Further complicating the political landscape, Dr. C.N. Ashwathnarayan, a BJP MLA, noted that there has been persistent internal competition for the Chief Minister’s post within the Congress party since its government formation. He mentioned, "People are saying that this government will not last and will collapse due to infighting. However, our intervention is not required."

This stance comes in response to recent comments by Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde during a campaign event in Satara, which have sparked a flurry of speculation regarding potential political upheaval in Karnataka. These remarks draw parallels to Maharashtra's recent political shifts. Shinde pointed to strategies that might destabilize the Congress-led government in Karnataka, a tactic reminiscent of the so-called 'Maharashtra model'.

During his speech, Shinde disclosed details about a discussion on 'Operation Nath' in a recent meeting in Karnataka. "I was curious about its implications and asked for details," Shinde said. "It was then explained to me that the strategies developed during the dismantling of the Mahaghatabandhan government in Maharashtra could be invaluable for similar efforts in Karnataka."

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