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Karnataka: India1 ATM dispenses Rs 20 notes instead of Rs 500 notes in Ramanagara, customer expresses outrage

At an India-1 ATM in Ramanagara, Karnataka, a young woman received only Rs 4,040 instead of Rs 5,000 due to incorrect note dispensing. KSRTC staff assisted her, recording the incident and advising her to file a complaint. She expressed frustration over the shortage, hoping for a quick resolution to prevent future occurrences.

Karnataka: India1 ATM dispenses Rs 20 notes instead of Rs 500 notes in Ramanagara, customer expresses outrage vkp
First Published May 23, 2024, 2:43 PM IST

A peculiar incident occurred at the India-1 ATM near the KSRTC bus stand in Ramanagara, Karnataka. A young woman attempting to withdraw Rs 5,000 from the ATM received a surprise. Instead of dispensing ten Rs 500 notes, the machine dispensed eight Rs 500 notes and two Rs 20 notes, totalling only Rs 4,040.

The woman, needing the full amount urgently, was taken aback and immediately sought assistance from nearby KSRTC staff. The bus drivers and conductors noticed her distress and stepped in to help. They recorded the incident on video for documentation purposes and gathered information about what had transpired.

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According to the young woman, she had inserted her ATM card and requested to withdraw Rs 5,000. However, when the transaction was completed, she found herself shortchanged by Rs 960 due to the incorrect notes issued by the machine.

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Shocked and anxious, the woman explained her predicament to the KSRTC staff, who advised her to file a complaint against the ATM service provider. They emphasized the importance of reporting such issues to ensure corrective measures are taken.

Expressing her frustration, the woman noted that receiving less money from the ATM during a time of need was highly inconvenient. She hoped that her complaint would lead to a swift resolution and prevent similar incidents from happening to others.

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