Bengaluru couple arrested for growing cannabis as home decor, released on bail
A Sikkim-based couple in MSR Nagar, Bengaluru, were arrested for growing a cannabis plant as part of their home décor. After an investigation revealed it was for ornamental purposes, they were released on bail with a warning. The plant was disposed of before the police arrived.

A couple from Sikkim, who runs a fast food hotel in MSR Nagar, were arrested by Sadashivnagar Police after it was discovered that they had been growing a cannabis plant as part of their home décor. The plant, which weighed 54 grams, was confiscated by the authorities. However, the couple was later released on bail after an investigation revealed they had grown the cannabis plant as an ornamental piece, not for personal consumption.
The couple, identified as Urmila Kumari and Sagar Gurung, had posted a video on Instagram a few days ago, standing on their balcony surrounded by several plants. It was during this video that viewers spotted what appeared to be a ganja plant. Local youth who noticed the plant reported the incident to the police, prompting a visit to their residence.
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Upon inspection, the police found that the couple had already uprooted the cannabis plant from the flower pot and disposed of it before they arrived. The authorities explained that the couple, who reside on the first floor of their fast food hotel, had been cultivating 20 different types of flower plants on their balcony, with the cannabis plant included among them.
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While the couple does not have a history of drug use, the investigation revealed that they had been growing the cannabis plant illegally as part of their ornamental plant collection. The police clarified that there was no indication of the couple being cannabis users.
Following the investigation, the couple was released on bail with a stern warning not to engage in such cultivation in the future. Authorities also confirmed that the cannabis plant was found in the trash during their inspection, having been discarded by Urmila when she learned of the police's arrival from her sister, who lives on the lower floor of the hotel.