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Kerala: LLB student from Kozhikode sets record for memory power

An LLB student from Kozhikode set the London-based Time world record for memorizing the names of a sequence of American presidents in 28 seconds.

Kerala: LLB student from Kozhikode sets record for memory power rkn
First Published Jan 2, 2024, 4:27 PM IST

Kozhikode: An LLB student from Kozhikode set the London-based Time world record for memorizing the names of a sequence of American presidents in 28 seconds. The record was held by Sharoon. S. Deep, is a first-year LLB student at MCT College of Legal Studies in Malappuram.

He previously achieved his name in the Indian Book of Records by reciting 46 US President names in 57 seconds in November 2020. In December 2020, he broke his record in the same category by 42 seconds and won the Asia Book of Records. He again surpassed the current record by 30 seconds and got the Arabian World Record.

Sharoon said that he started his hobby of memorizing names during the U.S. presidential elections in 2020. His father, Sanil, is a license operator of Deep Ham Radio. He has already communicated with Hams in over 200 countries around the world.  In this situation, when an opportunity came to speak to 45 state Hams in the United States, he instructed his son to remember the names of the American presidents.

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