Losing weight doesn't mean starving; 5 simple mistakes that people make to be fit
If you want to lose weight, then you have to follow a balanced routine that includes the correct amount of food, proper exercise and good sleep.
A lot of people get negative comments about their body fat which makes them feel insecure; if you commit to get rid of that extra fat, nothing is impossible. But never indulge yourself in misconceptions or get misguided by diet trends. Misinformation floats everywhere. Here are 5 mistakes that people generally make.
Ignoring strength training:
A good cardio routine is beneficial to reduce weight, but there's a misconception among women that strength training will make them muscular, which is not. Do you know strength training will not only let you build muscle, but also it will help in metabolism and in losing belly fat.
Skipping food meal:
This is the most common one. A lot of people think skipping a meal will be helpful to consume fewer calories, but actually, it's harmful to your metabolism rate. You can never lose weight if you skip meals. Instead, try eating dry fruits or yoghurt when you feel hungry.
Drinking beverages:
People who try to lose weight cuts off soft drinks or sugar-infused drinks and continue to take packaged 100 per cent fruit juices that actually have sugar in them. So, instead, drink 4 to 5 litres of water with lemon cubes and mint leaves, and this will give a flavour to your water.
Striking protein off the list:
Never cut down protein from your diet. Protein is very beneficial to reduce weight. Non-veg people, chicken or eggs, and those who strictly follow a plant-based diet can have lentils, chickpeas, peanuts, quinoa, and soy-based products like tofu and tempeh.
Not sleeping enough:
Sleep is really necessary to stay healthy and fit. Sleep deprivation can lead to many other problems, and if you binge-watch the whole night, you will get hungry more, which will end up with high-fat and high-carb food items. Adults need to have seven to eight hours of sleep.