When is the best time to consume fruits: Before or after a meal?
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, fruits and vegetables should make up at least half of your plate at mealtimes.
Most health experts claim how eating fresh fruits and vegetables are important to lead a healthy diet. They are a source of essential vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants that promote a healthy body.
While vegetables are believed to be consumed at any time, it is said that fruits should be at certain times, considering the excess amount of sugar they contain. So, with all the recognised health benefits of eating fruits, why do people suggest one shouldn't eat fruits at certain times?
Fruits are superfoods that are nature's potent sources of essential nutrients; however, it is important to know that you cannot have fruits at any time of the day. Especially, you should avoid eating them right after eating your meal.
Fruits should be eaten in the morning after a glass of water. If you eat fruits on an empty stomach, it will play a major role in detoxifying your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities. Ideally, fruits should be best eaten first thing in the morning, between breakfast and lunch and in the evening as snacks.
Eating a few pieces of fruits at least half an hour before your meal may help control overeating during lunch. Fruits before a meal allow you to put something that is low in calorie into your stomach. Also, eating fruit before your meal increases your intake of fibre as most fruits contain fibre. So, when you eat fibre, you tend to feel fuller for a long time and it also tends to delay your digestion process. High fibre fruits include apple, pears, bananas and raspberries.
One must avoid eating fruits right at night close to bedtime as the sugar present in the fruits leads to a spike in energy levels keeping you alert and awake. Make sure you eat fruits at least two to three hours prior to sleeping.
Fruits are definitely the healthiest foods; however, it is good to ensure their intake at the right time.