Samantha Ruth Prabhu is currently in Kashmir to shoot her next film with Liger star Vijay Deverakonda. Sharing a video of the beautiful view out of her flight window, the actress wrote, “And calm!! (sic)” the actress captioned a video of the stunning scene from her plane window.
On his way to Kashmir to begin filming, Vijay Deverakonda, her co-star in the film, was recently sighted at Mumbai Airport. The two (Sam and Vijay) had collaborated on a film with filmmaker Shiva Nirvana, which was just released in Hyderabad.
A few years back, when Samantha was 'Samantha Akkineni', she went on a beach vacay with her ex-husband Naga Chaitanya where she donned a bikini, for which she got trolled on social media.
She was seen in a red floral co-ord crop top and shorts set in another picture. While some netizens loved her pic, others trolled her, questioning her for wearing “beachwear” and asked her to “behave like a married woman”.