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Putin-Kim Jong Un's 'bromance': Russian Prez takes North Korean leader for a spin in limousine gifted (WATCH)

In what can be seen as a strong diplomatic relationship, Russian President Vladimir Putin gifted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un with a Russian-made Aurus limousine, along with other items including a tea set and an admiral's dirk, as reported by Russia's state news agency TASS.

Putin-Kim Jong Un's 'bromance': Russian Prez takes North Korean leader for a spin in limousine gifted (WATCH) anr
First Published Jun 19, 2024, 6:42 PM IST

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly gifted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a Russian-made Aurus limousine, along with a tea set and an admiral's dirk, according to a Kremlin aide quoted by Russia's state news agency TASS on Wednesday. During his visit to Pyongyang, Putin received several artworks depicting himself, including busts, according to presidential adviser Yuri Ushakov.

The Aurus Senat, styled with retro influences from the Soviet-era ZIL limousine, serves as the official Russian presidential car. Putin notably rode in one during his latest Kremlin inauguration ceremony in May.

When Kim visited eastern Russia in September last year, Putin personally showed him one of the black armored vehicles. Kim sat alongside Putin in the car and seemed to appreciate the experience.

In February this year, Putin gifted Kim Jong Un his first Aurus limousine, as confirmed by both countries, indicating that Kim now possesses at least two of these vehicles.

Kim is known for his keen interest in automobiles and maintains a substantial collection of luxury foreign cars, despite U.N. Security Council resolutions prohibiting the export of luxury goods to North Korea.

Kim Jong Un has been observed in various luxury vehicles including a Maybach limousine, multiple Mercedes models, a Rolls-Royce Phantom, and a Lexus SUV.

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