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7 times South Indians were clearly misunderstood on Quora

  • People often have misunderstandings about south Indians.
  • But this list of questions on Quora, about south Indians will make it look like south Indians are from another planet.
7 times south indians were clearly misunderstood on quora

South Indians are often known to be misunderstood because of their diversity in culture and language but these questions on Quora take these misunderstandings to a whole new level. People around the world have the most bizarre doubts about people from South India and if you're from the south of the Vindhyas, you'll know exactly why these doubts are a bit odd and strange.


How are South Indians so well built as compared to North Indians?

Is that your justification for not hitting the gym?


How do you know if someone is South Indian? 

Asking them would be a good idea.


What is your reply to someone saying "We are Tamils for 2000 years and Indians only for 70 years"?

Let’s move past such stereotypes, shall we? 


7 times south indians were clearly misunderstood on quora

Can a South Indian survive in NIT Silchar considering the weather conditions?

Yes, ever since sweaters and room heaters were invented. 

How do I become a Malayali girl? 

There are many ways but being born as one is the easiest way.

Why will Kannada disappear soon in 20 years?

Why is this even a question? 

Where can I find Kannada speaking people in Bengaluru, Karnataka?


While answers to these questions are impossible to give, let’s hope that there’s never the need to ask them again.

7 times south indians were clearly misunderstood on quora

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