Investigation into mobile theft at Alan Walker's Kochi event expands to Delhi, Aslam Khan gang under scanner
The investigation into mobile phone thefts at DJ Alan Walker's Kochi party has expanded to Delhi and Bengaluru. Authorities are tracking phone locations and suspect the thieves fled Kerala by air and train.
Kochi: The investigation into the mobile phone theft that occurred during DJ Alan Walker's party in Ernakulam has now extended to Delhi. Authorities are focusing on mobile phone locations to guide their inquiries, and the investigation team is set to depart for Delhi this evening.
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There are also suspicions regarding mobile phone thefts at a related event in Bengaluru. To confirm this, a special police team will travel to Bengaluru as well. After the thefts in Kochi, it is believed that the thieves left Kerala by plane and train.Â
The investigation is assessing the operation methods of the theft gang, which has similar patterns to the Aslam Khan's gang that primarily operates in North India.Â
The large-scale theft occurred during DJ Alan Walker's show, which captivated audiences in Kochi on October 6. Police have received reports indicating that 34 mobile phones were stolen at the event at the Bolgatty Palace Grounds.
Authorities have also reported the seizure of some drugs from the site. The incident unfolded in front of a large crowd that gathered for the show, part of Walker's world tour, which is currently in India. Following his performance in Kochi, Alan Walker is set to move on to Pune. He will conclude his tour in India with a musical night in Hyderabad at the end of October.