Dating tips 101: Here are some that will make your life much easier
The terminology has evolved over a few years, and the dating situation has changed now that we are stuck at home due to the coronavirus. Nonetheless, 2020 has given us a whole new way to enjoy our dating life, and it is not as bad as it seems. Have a look.
So, have a hang on these dating terms and make your life a little more comfortable in this 2020, read on. Here are the seven dating terms you might want to know before you jump in the right-swiping and left!
It is when your partner keeps you hanging, but also shares everything with you and tells you everything you want to hear.
By the term, you will understand that it has something to do with the ghosts. Yes! It means that the person will poof out from your life very abruptly, just like ghosts!
The other person will keep you engaged in a relationship by making up a story about themselves, which they are not. Nothing to do with cats or fishes, though!
Does your partner cuff you up? Cuffing means that the person is invested in you because he or she wants a cuddle-buddy.
Love Bombing
Did your partner confess his or her feelings too soon? Then the person might have love bombarded on you. It's when someone expresses their feelings too much or too soon to their partner.
Not any disease. But, it means Define The Relationship. It is when the other person asks you where the relationship is headed.
Have you been caspered before? It means, have you ever made plans to meet with someone and then, those plans have never been successful? Then, that was caspering.