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You can now post Instagram stories using Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses; Check details

One of the highlights is that these smart glasses can now post stories directly on Instagram without using the phone. This feature will allow users to share the images that are taken with their Ray-Ban sunglasses on their Instagram stories. 

You can now post Instagram stories using Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses; Check details gcw
First Published May 25, 2024, 11:14 AM IST

Over the past several months, Meta Ray-Ban Smart glasses have received more functions. The ability to upload stories straight to Instagram utilising these smart glasses without utilising a phone is one of its best features. Users will be able to post photos they've shot wearing their Ray-Bans on Instagram stories thanks to this functionality. Updates for Meta's Ray-Bans have been made public, and they include compatibility for Amazon Music and the Calm meditation app.

Users can post the pictures taken with their Ray-Ban glasses by prompting them before or after the pictures are clicked. Once the picture is taken, users can simply say 'Hey Meta, share my last photo to Instagram' or something like 'post a photo to Instagram' before clicking a new picture.

How to do it?

To do so, users just open the app, navigate to the gallery area, and choose the photos they wish to post on Instagram, Instagram Story, WhatsApp, Facebook Story, and Facebook Post. To share photographs on Instagram, users must first connect their Instagram account to the Meta app.

The Instagram profile linked to the Meta View app will always be the one open on the user's mobile device. If someone switches between multiple profiles on their mobile phone, Meta View and Instagram may lose connectivity.

In addition, Meta has partnered with Calm, a meditation app, to enable users to access mindfulness activities on the glasses and participate in guided meditation while on the go.

Ray-Ban customers may get a free three-month membership to the Calm app in order to practise meditation. Furthermore, the glasses have an Amazon Music streaming feature. Simply saying, "Hey Meta, play Amazon Music," will cause the glasses to start playing a user-curated playlist. Users may use their voice or touch to adjust the tunes and volume. Spotify was available on Ray-Ban Glasses previously, and Apple Music was just added.

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