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President Murmu calls for 'Nation First' commitment in Parliament's inaugural address; check details (WATCH)

The President lauded the newly-elected MPs for their role in representing the trust bestowed upon them by the electorate and urged them to discharge their responsibilities with a dedicated focus on serving the nation.

President Droupadi Murmu calls for 'Nation First' commitment in Parliament's inaugural address; check details (WATCH) AJR
First Published Jun 27, 2024, 11:35 AM IST

President Droupadi Murmu on Thursday (June 27) addressed the Parliament and stressed the commitment of Members of Parliament (MPs) to prioritise national interests in her inaugural address to the joint sitting of Parliament, marking the commencement of the first session of the 18th Lok Sabha under the newly-formed NDA government.

The President lauded the newly-elected MPs for their role in representing the trust bestowed upon them by the electorate and urged them to discharge their responsibilities with a dedicated focus on serving the nation.

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"I congratulate all the newly-elected members of the 18th Lok Sabha. You all have come here by winning the trust of country's voters. Very few get this opportunity to serve the nation and the people. I have full faith that you would fulfill your duties with a feeling of nation first," President Droupadi Murmu.

"On behalf of crores of countrymen, I would like to express gratitude Election Commission of India. This was the biggest election in the world. Decades-long records of voting have been broken in J&K. For the past 4 decades, Kashmir witnessed low voting amid shutdowns and strikes. India's enemies propagated it as the opinion of Kashmir, on international forums. But this time, Kashmir valley gave a befitting reply to all such forces," President Murmu said.

Addressing the significant turnout in the recent elections, particularly highlighting the historic participation from Jammu and Kashmir, President Murmu commended the Election Commission of India for overseeing the largest democratic exercise globally.

She highlighted the symbolic significance of heightened voter turnout in Kashmir, countering long-standing narratives of dissent and asserting a united national voice.

Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi, in his inaugural speech as Leader of the Opposition, stressed the crucial role of constructive opposition in parliamentary proceedings. He emphasized the importance of fostering an environment of mutual trust and cooperation between the ruling party and the opposition for effective governance.

Gandhi also extended congratulations to Om Birla on his re-election as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, acknowledging the pivotal role of the Speaker in representing the collective voice of the Indian populace. He affirmed the opposition's responsibility in reflecting the diverse perspectives of the country, highlighting their role in upholding democratic principles.

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The joint session of Parliament set the stage for discussions on the government's agenda and a motion of thanks, marking the beginning of legislative deliberations under the new administration led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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