What you search on Google could get you JAILED: Free movies and more
Searching for free movies can lead to jail time! Learn what other Google searches can land you in trouble.

Google has answers, but some questions can land you in jail.
Google has answers to everything. But did you know that asking the wrong questions can land you in jail?
Google prohibits certain types of searches.
Google is strict about certain searches and does not permit them. Searching for these things can lead to imprisonment. Let's find out what not to search on Google.
Searching for bomb-making instructions is a crime.
Searching for bomb-making instructions is a crime. You will be jailed if caught by security agencies.
Searching for child pornography leads to arrest.
Searching for any child pornography will lead to arrest. Such searches should never be conducted. Do not search for hacking tutorials or software on Google.
Free movie searches can result in jail time and fines.
Searching for free movies can lead to jail time, a fine of 1 million rupees, and three years in prison. Additionally, do not search for anything related to abortion or child abuse on Google.