Is your coworker or business partner crushing on you? 7 signs to look for
If you’re wondering whether a colleague has a crush on you, here are seven signs that might indicate romantic interest.

Suppose you are curious about whether or not a coworker has a crush on you. In that case, the following seven indicators may suggest they are interested in a romantic relationship with you.

Acting Differently Around You-It is possible that they will behave differently around you, such as becoming uneasy, being too pleasant, or even being slightly uncomfortable in comparison to how they interact with other people.

Frequent Eye Contact: They make frequent eye contact with you, either by maintaining eye contact for longer than normal or by sneaking looks at you when they believe you are not looking.

Finding Excuses to Be Around You: They go out of their way to work with you, sit near you, or loiter about your desk. They do this to find other reasons to be with you.

Playful Teasing or Flirting: Joking with you, softly teasing you, or engaging in subtle flirtation beyond typical workplace interactions are all examples of playful teasing or flirting.

Keeping in Mind the Particulars of Your Personality – They remember things you have stated in passing, such as your preferred kind of coffee or your plans for the weekend.

Body Language Clues-For example, leaning in when you are talking, mimicking your actions, or caressing their face or hair when they are around you are all examples of body language tips.

Texting or messaging outside of work - If they regularly begin informal discussions outside of business hours, they may be interested in the position.