From weight loss and menstruation to pregnancy to mental health : Here's how yoga helps women's health
Women may experience fatigue, tension, and exhaustion due to their hectic multitasking lifestyle. This implies that, as a woman, you must commit to setting aside time each week for rest and recovery.
Women, mainly all moms, are best known for their nurturing qualities. Women in their myriad roles are often too busy taking care of everyone else but themselves. This innate predisposition that they possess uses up all their time, leaving little to no time for their self-care.
With this frantic multitasking life, women can feel weary, stressed and drained out. This means that as a woman, you must commit to taking some regular time out for yourself to heal, and restore.
Yoga during Pregnancy
The time of pregnancy is very scary and an important chapter in any woman’s life. But is also one that is nerve-wracking and can be quite challenging. Due to the nature of the transforming body, hormonal fluctuation, cravings etc., health should be closely monitored. However, despite these drastic changes, it is a period that can be a joyful experience provided there are no complications. Yoga, restful sleep, and plenty of nutritious food can be the best combination for a healthy mother and child.
Through a gentle and guided yoga practice, women can keep the body and mind calm, strong and prepared for the delivery process. There are certain asanas considered to be especially beneficial during pregnancy. Poses like Baddha konasana, Balasana, Vajrasana can open the hips, strengthen and keep the back supple and strong. Medical practitioners and experts safely suggest yoga as the best form of exercise for the expecting mother.
Yoga for Mental relaxation
As a woman, commit to devoting a minimum of 30-45 minutes at least 3 times a week to practising meditation and pranayama. With pranayama techniques like Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika, Brahmari etc, women can enjoy mental well-being.
Even the straightforward process of observing the flow of your breath – inhale (Purak), retention (Kumbhak) and exhalation (Rechak) will almost instantly bring on a feeling of calmness and relaxation.
Yoga for Menstrual Health
For women, menstrual hygiene and health are the most important reasons for apprehension. With yoga, you can make the days of your monthly cycle extremely cramp-free by including some accessible yoga practices into your routine. Particular yoga asanas can increase the pelvic opening thus reducing any congestion as much as possible. Even a short sequence of basic yoga moves, with gentle stretching coupled with some deep breathing or Om chanting, will be most beneficial. This will also be valuable in balancing emotions that may otherwise cause a bad temper, mood swings, gloominess, anxiety or anger.
Yoga for Weight Loss
For an effective way to shed the extra kilos, then yoga can be an effective cardiovascular exercise to increase your heart rate and help you burn off those calories. The abdominal area contains the most stubborn fat, and can be targeted through specific postures that are included in yoga.
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Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is an effective way to begin your practise in yogic techniques. This full-body workout helps strengthen, tone, and make the body flexible. You can start with 5 cycles a day and steadily build it up as your stamina increases.
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Whether for men or women, yoga is guaranteed to become a loyal and constant companion that brings positive changes. Yoga equips its practitioners with immense physical, mental, and emotional strength to tide over any challenges boldly, and effortlessly. All you need to do is to follow a disciplined routine of yoga asanas, and pranayama consistently at least 3 times a week. Additionally, you cana combine this with the intake of a nutritious and wholesome diet with plenty of fruits, and vegetables.
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