International Yoga Day 2022: 5 Yoga poses for women to get lean and strong
You can start your practice with Surya Namaskar at dawn. This will help you warm up thoroughly and prepare you for the asanas. Follow these asanas for a fit, healthy and lean body.
Yoga is a great practice to improve the strength of your body in a natural and holistic manner. It is ideal if your goal is to build muscle and tone your body. It also helps keep your immunity in peak functionality. The asanas in the Yoga practice in terms of physical movement use body weight and muscle. This makes it the perfect choice particularly for building lean muscle in women without adding bulkiness.
You can start your practice with Surya Namaskar at dawn. This will help you warm up thoroughly and prepare you for the asanas. Follow these asanas for a fit, healthy and lean body.
If you want, you can set a goal to complete 21 cycles of Surya Namaskar. But if you are a beginner, then you may begin with fewer sets in the early stages of your practice.
Santolanasana – Plank PoseFormation of the posture
Lie on your stomach
Place your palms under your shoulders and lift your upper body, pelvis and knees up
Use your toes to grip the floor and keep the knees straight
Ensure that your knees, pelvis and spine are aligned
Your wrists must be placed exactly below your shoulders with your arms kept straight
Hold the final posture for a while
Formation of the posture
Begin with Santholanasan (Plank)
With your left palm firmly on the ground, remove your right hand off the floor
Turn your entire body to face the right side and lift your right leg off the floor and place it over your left leg
Raise your right arm above and keep your fingers pointing to the sky
Ensure that both your knees, heels and feet are in contact with each other
Ensure that both arms and shoulders are in one straight line
Turn your head and look up at your right hand
Hold the asana for a while
Repeat the same on the left side
Padahastasana - Standing Forward Bend Pose
Formation of the Posture
From standing, exhale and gently bend your upper body down from the hips and tuck your nose in-between your knees.
Place your palms on either side of your feet.
As a beginner, you may have to bend your knees slightly to accomplish this.
With practice, slowly straighten your knees and try to touch your thighs with your chest.
Allow your neck to fall with gravity and tuck your nose in-between your knees
Try to leave as little space between your upper and lower body as possible.
Chaturanga Dandasana – Four Limbed Staff Pose
Formation of the posture
Begin in plank posture
As you exhale, bring your body into half a push-up, keeping your upper arms parallel to the floor.
Keep your elbows touching the sides of your ribs and lower yourself maintaining a 90-degree angle in the crook of the elbows.
Your shoulders must be drawn in
Your wrists and elbows must be perpendicular to the floor and your shoulders must be in line with your body
Performed correctly with the spine in one straight line, the body resembles a rod or staff,
Hold the asana for a 15-20 seconds
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Formation of the posture
Lie down on your back
Lift up your upper and lower body to balance on your sitting bones.
Your toes must be aligned with your eyes
Keep your knees and back straight
Keep your arms parallel to the ground and pointing forward
Tighten your abdominal muscles
Straighten your back
These 5 asanas are designed to work on your core, shoulders, lower body and arm strength. Include these diligently into your regular routine for a lean and fit body. This is a great way to get a toned body with strength and power.
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