Stock market down, but THESE Mutual Funds are still in the green!
The stock market has been continuously bleeding for the past few months. This has already had a significant impact on mutual funds.

Mutual Fund Investment: Investors have faced huge losses in these few days. But, even after that, investment in mutual funds has not stopped.

Notably, in March 2020, the AUM of mutual funds decreased by 5 lakh crore rupees. Since then, its index has never been seen to be so downward-facing.

However, financial analysts have expressed considerable concern as the AUM of these funds has fallen this year. According to data from AMFI, only 40,063 crore rupees were invested in mutual funds in February of this year.

Meanwhile, that amount was 1.88 lakh crore rupees last January. That is, mutual fund investment has decreased by approximately 1.47 lakh crore rupees in one month this year.

Where the AUM of these funds decreased by approximately 7 percent in February. As a result, it has fallen to 64.53 lakh crore rupees.

Now, in January, the AUM figure in mutual funds had reached 67.25 lakh crore rupees. In February of this year, a total of 29,303 crore rupees were invested in equity mutual funds.

But investment in this sector has decreased by approximately 26.1% compared to January. Because, in the first month of 2025, the amount of investment in equity mutual funds was 39,687 crore rupees.

And in January, the maximum amount of equity mutual fund money was invested in two funds again. Sectoral and thematic funds. AMFI has reported that the figure is approximately 9,000 crore rupees.

Notably, equity mutual funds have maintained the trend of January in February. That is, investors have invested the most in sectoral and thematic funds last month as well.

Although the market is currently quite downward-facing, there is an opportunity. And that is why continuous investment is still ongoing. However, AMFI is continuing to work on warning investors to prevent losses.
Disclaimer: Investment in mutual funds is a market risk-related matter. Therefore, be sure to consult experts before investing.