World IVF Day: Dos and don'ts of the process; know some truth about IVF treatment

Jul 25, 2021, 3:27 PM IST

Today, we spoke to Dr Arveen Vohra, Medical Director and Senior Reproductive Medicine Consultant at Milann Fertility Centre, Indira Nagar, Bengaluru, who told us about assisted reproductive technology. 

Forty-three years ago, today on July 25, the world was introduced to its first test-tube baby when Louise Brown was born through IVF technique at Bourn Hall. This day was declared 'World IVF Day' following the first IVF baby's birth. As per WHO, 1 in 4 couples in reproductive age in India face difficulty in getting pregnant. Hence, we spoke to Dr Arveen Vohra, who busted some myths and misconception about this technique.