Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur will be next seen in Farhan Akhtar's Toofaan. The actress has done many good films like Super 30 with Hrithik Roshan, Batla House with John Abraham, and Love Sonia etc.
Her next film is set against the backdrop of the Battle of Garibpur in Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) in November 1971. Pippa is a screen adaptation of Brigadier Balram Singh Mehta’s book, The Burning Chafees. Raja Krishna Menon directs the film.
Mrunal will sport a lean look doing training for mixed martial arts since her Toofaan days. Apart from physical activities, Mrunal will be playing the younger sister to her co-stars Ishaan Khatter and Priyanshu Painyuli.
“Mrunal has read a few articles, including Genocide by The Daily Star which focuses on the Bangladesh genocide in the 1971 war. Her father has recommended the 1971 film, Jay Bangladesh, directed by IS Johar,” says a source,
For her final step, Thakur intends to track down women freedom fighters from 1971. “Their experiences will help her in lending authenticity to her character. Though the pandemic has put the plans on hold, she is looking forward to meeting them and hearing their stories”, adds the source.