The South Indian superstar Nayanthara, who recently wed director Vignesh Shivan, is getting ready to make her Bollywood debut alongside Shah Rukh Khan. In June of next year, the Atlee-directed film Jawan will be released in theatres.
Nayanthara, one of the highest-paid actors in the south, will be paid Rs. 8 crores for the Shah Rukh-starring movie.
On Sunday, as part of a celebration of reaching 30 years in the business, Shah Rukh announced that Nayanthara would appear in the film. But he didn't reveal any more information about Jawan.
"Too early to say," SRK said when discussing the movie. There is still much to be done. Besides the fact that I am enjoying myself as an actor, there isn't much I can tell you about Jawan. Additionally, Atlee is a distinct kind of filmmaker.
"His work has been seen by everyone. Again, a genre I've never worked in, he creates superb mass-market movies. I, therefore, wanted to give it a try. Additionally, I believe Atlee and I get along well. He brings some, and I bring some (to the movie). Everything we've done with Jawan has been thrilling and exciting, he declared.