World Milk Day 2023: Know about Donkey milk, it's skin and health benefits

Many studies have shown that donkey milk benefits your skin and well-being. Let us read the talks about donkey milk and its pro and cons

World Milk Day 2023: Know about Donkey milk, it's skin and health benefits RBA

Have you heard about the advantages of donkey milk? Donkey milk has been used as a health supplement and beauty treatment since ancient times, and you'll be surprised at how many benefits it possesses. 

Not only that, but studies have shown that donkey milk is beneficial to your skin and health. Read the hoopla around donkey milk in today's yoghurts and skin care products.

Here are some of the health advantages of donkey milk.

World Milk Day 2023: Know about Donkey milk, it's skin and health benefits RBA

Rich in nutrients
Vitamins, minerals, and vital fatty acids are abundant in donkey milk. It contains calcium, phosphorus, and potassium necessary for strong bones and healthy teeth.

Promotes the production of nitric oxide
Donkey milk aids in the production of nitric oxide. This chemical can dilate your blood vessels, improving circulation and preventing plaque buildup in your arteries.

Low allergy potential
Because donkey milk is so close to human milk, it is a superior alternative to cow milk. Donkey milk has long been offered to newborns due to its reduced allergy risk. You can consume Donkey's milk if you are lactose intolerant.

Beneficial for diabetics
Donkey milk is thought to help control blood sugar levels, and some studies believe it may help treat Type II diabetes! It may help with glucose metabolism and insulin resistance. ‌

World Milk Day 2023: Know about Donkey milk, it's skin and health benefits RBA

Longer lasting
If your cow milk spoils fast, consider donkey's milk, which has a longer shelf life before spoiling and therefore lasts longer.

Has beneficial bacteria
Donkey milk may also aid in forming beneficial bacteria in your intestines. It has been used as a traditional medicine to treat infections such as whooping cough. However, there is no scientific proof to support this.

Donkey Milk disadvantage: Donkey milk benefits health, but it isn't easy to obtain due to availability and cost. It is costly to produce and sell since the quantity and size of donkey dairy farms are restricted. It is also costly and difficult to utilise for cheesemaking due to the price and availability.

World Milk Day 2023: Know about Donkey milk, it's skin and health benefits RBA

Another disadvantage is that most farms offer unpasteurised donkey milk, which is bad for your health. Alternatively, microwave the raw milk for at least 15 seconds at 161°F (72°C) before consuming it to destroy any bacteria.

Disclaimer: While we hope the advice is useful, it is just the author's opinion. We highly encourage you to get professional advice from an expert.

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