Should you give your cheating partner a second chance?
- Love is one of the strongest emotions a human being can feel
- But it can all come crashing down when that special someone decides to cheat on you
- Should you give the cheating partner a second chance?
Love is one of the strongest emotions a human being can feel. The happiness of knowing that there is someone waiting for you, pinning their hopes on you and who you consider someone very special can transform you as a person.
But it can all come crashing down when that special someone decides to cheat on you. After being cheated on you feel like you gave someone shot you in your gut. You feel immensely insecure, stalking your partner on social media and trying to check his/her messages. Your self-esteem nosedives. You also develop serious trust issues. It's proven that people who were cheated on can develop a type of post-traumatic stress disorder that stays with them for a long time. Just because one heartless person destroyed your trusting abilities you feel that everyone has those same intentions.
But what if your partner comes back? What if he/she apologises, almost begs, you to reconsider breaking the relationship off? What if they say that it was all a big mistake and that he/she wants to start all over again? Should you give them a second chance? Ask yourselves this:
1) Ask yourself if you are capable of overlooking what they did
Although getting cheated upon is a soul-crushing experience, some people love their partner way too much to let them go. In fact for some, they become co-dependent on their partner emotionally. So ask yourself if you are strong enough to forgive the cheating partner and make things work.
2) Do you want to start from scratch
For many, cheating is the end of everything that you held precious. Think about staying away from your partner for some time. After that, do you want to start afresh? Think about it.
3) When Cheating Can Be Forgiven & Resolved
Sometimes, a person cheats not because he/she is attracted to someone else, but when they stop receiving the love they long for from their partner. While one partner always strives to keep the spark alive, the other takes things for granted and falls into a comfort zone. Ask yourself if you've been neglecting your partner for him/her to take such a step.
However, there are several reasons not to give your partner a second chance.
1) If your partner cheated with his/her ex, the act is unforgivable
2) The affair was not a one-off and was deliberately done
3) The cheater believes that the significant other is responsible for his/her behaviour and shows no remorse
4) The partner has cheated more than once
5) When the partner continues to be defiant and lie even after evidences prove he/she cheated
6) When you have to lower your self-respect and beg them to come back while they do not care
So while the saying 'once a cheater always a cheater' may not always apply, you need to pull the pieces of your broken self together and move on. In time, you will also realise that moving on will make you a better, stronger person.