This lipstick changes shade according to your body temperature

flower lipstick

Pucker up, there's a new shade in town, and it's based on how you're feeling. 


flower lipstick

The beauty of make-up is that keeps you looking young, fresh and energetic. In the case of lipsticks, this Chinese-based company called Kailijumei have gone a couple steps ahead. To begin with, their lipsticks are: a)  gel-based, b) real flowers coupled with gold specks are encased in it, and c) it changes colour based on your body temperatures and pH level. 

flower lipstick

 These gorgeous Kailijumei Flower Jelly Lipsticks provide a sheer wash of colour similar to the shade of flower inside each stick. The company claims that the shade will become pinker as the temperature of your body decreases. What's more, these lipsticks are made from natural ingredients such as: candelilla resin, cocoa butter, beeswax, olive oil, citric acid, plant extracts, stearyl alcohol, grape seed oil,  and lavender oil.

 The product is sold on their website:  at $30. It comes in three shades - namely Minute Maid, Flame Red and Barbie Doll Powder.  

 So, guys, you now know what to buy your girlfriend. These lipsticks are currently out of stock on their website, but you can  try looking for it at authorized stores and recommended websites as there are counterfeit products being sold on lesser-known websites and retail stores.  



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