Powerful: 5 effective phrases to increase productivity

  • Did you know you can be far more productive with these simple and effective phrases?
  • Here's 5 of them to remember when you find yourself lagging
5 awesome phrases to increase productivity

The key to increasing your own productivity and taking it to the next level lies in your own hand, and making it happen.  If you find yourself in some kind of limbo, here’s how you can motivate yourself with these simple yet powerful phrases.


1. I can do it:  

5 awesome phrases to increase productivity

Much like Obama’s “Yes, we can” that was used as his campaign tag, or Nike’s “Just do it” ,  so should you. Every time you feel yourself lagging behind, reward yourself when you complete a task and remind yourself that you can do it.

2. I will simplify:   


5 awesome phrases to increase productivity

Overthinking kills whatever you set out do. So, simplify what’s in front of you before you start your work for the day instead of overcomplicating things.  




3. I will be positive:   


5 awesome phrases to increase productivity

This is especially hard when your mind is bogged down by negativity. So to get out of this funk you need to think positively. Remember your thoughts become actions.  Hence, the key to increased productivity is positivity.


4. I will learn to say no: 


5 awesome phrases to increase productivity


Saying ‘no’ will save you a lot of stress. Often, we are afraid to say ‘no’ lest we come across as seen as being incompetent or weak.  But in reality it has the opposite effect; if you’re plate is full, and cannot take on any more work, say so. That way you will be able to power through the day.




5. I will prioritise: 


5 awesome phrases to increase productivity


One of the reasons why you don’t feel your productive is when you’re unable to prioritise. When you don’t prioritise, you tend to procrastinate and then you will never complete the given tasks at hand. Therefore, make sure that you finish the most difficult task and then move to the lesser easier tasks at hand. Alternatively, learn to delegate efficiently.

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