Fake news spreads on social media against Asianet News Online
Asianet News Online is not responsible for the fake post being circulated on social media citing Antar Rashtriya Hindu Parishad (AHP) leader Pratheesh Viswanathan.
A fake article citing former Antar Rashtriya Hindu Parishad (AHP) leader Pratheesh Viswanathan is making the rounds on social media under the guise of Asianet News Online. With his photo, the fake narrative is currently being widely shared on social media.
It is claimed in the fake photo made under the guise of Asianet News Online that Pratheesh claimed to have experienced unnatural sexual harassment as a college student from a CPM supporter. However, the post is fake. The content mentioned therein is not published by Asianet News Online. Asianet News Online has no association with this campaign and the post.