Want to get radiant and glowing skin? Try this summer drink
Summer is here, and so it's dehydration. Here's how you can keep your skin glowing and healthy.
We spend hundreds to get that perfect healthy skincare products. How about a summer drink that can give you a glow within instead of some chemical-induced products?
A ginger-lemon drink, As per nutritionist, this drink is known as Sunshine Glow Elixir. How to make it? To make this drink, you need to have lemon, ginger, mint leaves and cucumber.
Make sure these ingredients are at room temperature. Then blend them to get a fine drink which you can have every day at mid-morning to get glowing and dewy skin. It is a very nourishing drink for your body, head to toe, as it is low in calorie and tastes yummy too.
Ginger is a natural diuretic that helps to detox your body.
Cucumber contains water, and that is beneficial to keep your body hydrated.
Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, which will help to give you that glow from within. Mints are to enhance the flavour and give you refreshing energy.