West Bengal: Medical expenses not published by 8 private hospitals; case filed by Health Commission
The list of expenses related to medical services has not been published in compliance with the advisory of the commission in several private hospitals in Kolkata. In this context, the Health Commission sought the statements of 8 private hospitals by filing cases.

The list of expenses related to medical services has not been published in compliance with the advisory of the commission in several private hospitals in Kolkata. In this context, the Health Commission sought the statements of 8 private hospitals by filing cases. Among the 8 private hospitals is DESUN Hospital.

Asim Bandyopadhyay, chairman of the commission, said the commission filed a case for the second time after finding out that advisory number 15 was not being complied with. Earlier, similar action was taken against DESUN Hospital in another incident. If the allegations are true, private hospitals will have to implement the advisory quickly. The name of Fortis Hospital is also present in the list.

On August 22, all the private hospitals in the state were asked to put up display boards in the hospital premises to inform the relatives of the patients about the cost of each department of medical services. CMRI has violated advisory number 15.

The advisory states, the hospital reception, the cash counter, and the display board at the entrance should draw the attention of the patient's family. This is as per the 2016 Clinical Establishment Act. But the Commission observed that the private hospitals are not following the directives. Apollo Hospital was accused of breaking the rules.

Apollo, Anandapur Fortis, Ruby, Amri Mukundpur, CMRI and DESUN Hospitals were found to be in violation of Advisory No. 15 on Thursday (September 3). The commission has asked the six hospitals to submit their statements by September 25.

In the case of RN Tagore, the list of medical expenses has not been published, keeping these details elusive to the relatives of patients.

Medicare also did not put up a list of expenses on display in accordance with the rules of the new advisory. An employee on duty at the Medicare reception counter said that there was no such display board. He sent the list of expenses to the admission counter.