Do you drink orange juice every day? HERE are the benefits and drawbacks
Discover the health benefits and drawbacks of drinking orange juice every day. Learn how it affects your immune system, skin health, and general health.

Orange juice
Many people hesitate to eat fruits, but many enjoy drinking juice. Orange juice is one of the most popular juices. Drinking this juice is very refreshing and it is rich in nutrients. Drinking it in the morning will boost your energy. What happens if you drink this orange juice every day? Let's take a look at the changes that happen in our body if we drink a glass of orange juice every day.
1. Boosts immunity
Orange juice is rich in vitamin C and it helps boost your body's immunity. This helps protect us from colds, coughs, other allergies, and fevers and helps to maintain good health.

2. Glowing skin
If you are suffering from skin problems, drinking orange juice will cure them. This juice will do wonders for your skin. Not only vitamin C but also antioxidants play a major role in fighting free radical activity. Free radicals make your skin look tired and promotes wrinkles and aging. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, which can help you get youthful and glowing skin.
3. Strong bones
Everyone knows that oranges are high in calcium content. It helps in the health of your bones and keeps them strong. Since our entire skeleton is made up of bones, it is very important to keep the structure strong. Orange is loaded with flavonoids like hesperidin, which have anti-inflammatory properties and help reduce arthritis and gout pain.

4. Reduces kidney stones
Orange has a high concentration of citrate. That is, when you drink orange juice, it helps break down the formation of calcium oxalate stones. This can provide relief from kidney stones. Not only that, it helps in reducing the symptoms of high blood pressure. Pectin and limonoid compounds in oranges help prevent hardening of the arteries. It also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Now, is it good to drink orange every day? Let's explore this.

1. Low fiber
It helps you feel full. It keeps your digestive system happy, but orange juice is low in fiber. According to experts, when you juice an orange, most of the fiber is removed. You are left with only a glass full of nutrients.
2. High in sugar
Many people prefer to buy packaged juice rather than juicing oranges. Most orange juices available in the market are loaded with sugar. You'd be surprised to know that colours and preservatives are added to make it taste good. Even if you juice oranges at home, you are using 3-4 oranges, which can be a lot of sugar intake for a day. We will become people who eat a lot of sugar. So it is more harmful than beneficial.

3. Can lead to dumping syndrome
Excess orange juice can lead to dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome is when sugary foods move from your stomach into your small intestine too quickly after you eat them. This causes a large amount of undigested food to move into your small intestine.
You may also experience diarrhea, vomiting, or fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Since the sugar content in orange juice is very high, you are likely to develop dumping syndrome if you consume it continuously.